Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thriving Thursday

So as far as a healthy lifestyle goes, this has been my most dedicated week in a long time! Here are my successes this week:
  1. Monday I did Zumba
    Tuesday I did Core and More toning class
    Wednesday I did an hour of a toning class and an hour of Zumba
    Tonight I'm doing an hour of kickboxing
    Tomorrow I'm doing an hour of Zumba
    Sunday I'm doing an hour of Zumba
  2. I have been following a 1200 calorie diet each day and not feeling whiney and hungry
  3. I have packed my lunch each day
  4. I have been feeling positive

For the first time in a long time, I had a moment yesterday where I thought to myself "wow, I'm happy." I know the wellbutrin is helping, but I know my mental health is so much better when im working out and eating healthy. I know I've said this 1000x, but I feel like the lifestyle change is clicking and it will stay. We had our weigh in yesterday for our weight race at work and I was the only one in my group that lost weight. I'm just feeling an overall sense of success!

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited for zumba tonight! I can move my legs today, so I'm definitely going.
