Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sum it Up Sunday!

So this week wasn't what I expected.  I had some serious stomach problems all week and when I was able to eat, I didn't want to eat on plan, I wanted something filling.  So instead of making excuses, I am just going to admit I fucked this week up and I am back at it in the morning.  Here is my June Bloom workout plan for this week!

Monday - I will be cleaning my whole house top to bottom for the roomie's move in so I will be working and sweating all night - I burn so many calories when I clean!

Tuesday - Yoga and C5K

Wednesday - Body Pump and Zumba

Thursday - Abs and C5K

Friday - Zumba

Saturday - Body Pump and C5K

Sunday - Yoga and Abs

Productive and healthy week.....AND.....GO!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Great plan for the week. Geez! Go, go, GO!

  2. Sounds like you've got a great plan in place! I'm a new follower! And, I hope you are feeling better.
